Greenhouse alliance strategic plans:
The Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance Strategic Plan 2022-2027
The Gippsland Alliance for Climate Action Strategic and Action Plan 2023-2024
The Goulburn Murray Climate Alliance's Strategic Plan 2022-2026
The Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action's Strategic Plan 2020-2025
The Western Alliance for Greenhouse Action's Strategic Plan 2020-2025
The Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action's Strategic Plan 2021-25
The South East Councils Climate Change Alliance Strategic Plan 2019-2024
Other greenhouse alliances strategic plans are available by request to the relevant Executive Officer.
Greenhouse Alliance Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plans
Over the past decade, the Victorian greenhouse alliances have undertaken extensive work in climate change adaptation at the regional scale. The following highlights the key plans, noting that individual councils have also developed their own Adaptation Plans/CC risk assessments in addition to these regional plans. The plans are all at different stages of implementation working with other regional stakeholders in delivering priority actions:
Adaptation in the North - NAGA
Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan - WAGA
Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap - EAGA
Biodiversity Monitoring and Climate Change - EAGA
Financial Risk Adaptation Planning (SECCCA)
Reducing community vulnerability to impacts of climate change - SECCCA
Western Port Local Coastal Hazard Assessment - SECCCA
Goulburn Broken Local Government Adaptation Plan - GBGA
Greenhouse Alliance Regional Climate Change Mitigation Strategies
Whilst some greenhouse alliances have undertaken regional mitigation strategy's, all alliances work on multiple emissions reductions activities and collective advocacy.
Low Carbon West - WAGA
Loddon Mallee Renewable Energy Roadmap - CVGA
Loddon Mallee Roadmap to Zero Emissions - CVGA