Adopt science-based targets for high level policy and align the planning system to the most up to date climate science
Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy states a priority is to “ensure relevant legislation, standards and codes support the use of best available climate change data and adaptive planning principles as part of decision-making, particularly as it relates to infrastructure, development and land use.” Victoria’s Built Environment Adaptation Action Plan is clear that planning should be aligned with the best available data and science.
This requires integration with the Planning and Environment Act to ensure that the principle is enacted in practice. In addition, this will require continual updating to reflect the latest science and, in the case of mitigation, required emissions reduction. This will need to be delivered by the State Government to ensure a standard baseline of best practice is adopted across the state and to ease the burden from local government and other relevant bodies, such as catchment management authorities.
This requires integration with the Planning and Environment Act to ensure that the principle is enacted in practice. In addition, this will require continual updating to reflect the latest science and, in the case of mitigation, required emissions reduction. This will need to be delivered by the State Government to ensure a standard baseline of best practice is adopted across the state and to ease the burden from local government and other relevant bodies, such as catchment management authorities.