Amend the Planning and Environment Act and the Climate Change Act to explicitly address climate change at all levels of the planning process
The Climate Change Act (2017) and the Planning and Environment Act (1987) need to be amended to impose a legislative obligation to consider climate change in planning decisions. This will establish high-level support for net zero emissions and climate resilient outcomes.
The Climate Change Act can require that “decision-makers must have regard to climate change” in decisions made under one of the Acts listed in Schedule One of the Climate Change Act. The Planning and Environment Act 1987 is missing from the list of Schedule One Acts and needs to be included.
The inclusion of a specific reference to climate change within the Planning and Environment Act would provide additional strength to any policy contained within planning schemes. Planning is structured to flow from legislative requirements to implementation by standards and guidelines. Failing to include, as part of legislative obligations, robust and comprehensive references to climate change can compromise support for climate action. A recent example of a similar change was when affordable housing was added under the objectives of the Planning and Environment Act.
The Climate Change Act can require that “decision-makers must have regard to climate change” in decisions made under one of the Acts listed in Schedule One of the Climate Change Act. The Planning and Environment Act 1987 is missing from the list of Schedule One Acts and needs to be included.
The inclusion of a specific reference to climate change within the Planning and Environment Act would provide additional strength to any policy contained within planning schemes. Planning is structured to flow from legislative requirements to implementation by standards and guidelines. Failing to include, as part of legislative obligations, robust and comprehensive references to climate change can compromise support for climate action. A recent example of a similar change was when affordable housing was added under the objectives of the Planning and Environment Act.